Prado Museum

An artist at the Prado: choose your artist
A guided visit to your favourite artist at the Prado Museum might be something you will never forget. Bosch, Raphael, Titian, Rubens and the Spanish masters are splendidly and widely enough represented in our museum as to make you re(discover) them! If you are...
Prado Schools Tours
You certainly have a favourite artistic school: a period, style and place whose artists you love particularly. The Spanish, Italian and Flemish Schools are strongholds of the Prado Museum. With a tour of your favourite school at the Prado, you will not only learn more...
Art genre tours at Prado: myths? portraits? landscapes?
Choose a genre of your interest: we will offer you a guided visit to the Prado analyzing the evolution of the specific artistic genre chosen. You will, on the one hand, learn about the specific evolution of the genre (its consideration, the subjects selected, the...
1 day at the Prado with an art historian
Spend a whole day at the Prado Museum, Madrid’s main cultural landmark, with your own private guide, an art historian who will make of this guided visit a true in-museum art lecture. From Classical sculpture until 1900, we will proceed period after period, school...Nuevo Prado: la Sala Várez Fisa
Place: Prado Museum

Raphael and the New Era of Art
Raphael’s eight paintings at the Prado represent a remarkably high number for this master in a museum outside Italy. Most of these works belong to his maturity period, and the include some of his finest versions of the “Holy Family”, the astonishing...
New Prado: Mona Lisa & Co
Place: Prado Museum

Velázquez: painter of painters
More than 50 Velasquez are held at the Prado, and most of them come from the Royal Collection, this being a good indicator of the quality of what the visitor can see in this Museum. Our basic proposal is a tour with 8 of his masterpieces. The tour will cover from...
Goya in his best museum
Goya is represented at the Prado by close to 150 paintings, plus more than 500 drawings and etchings (rarely exhibited). This obviously requires a selection. Our basic proposal is a tour with 10 of his masterworks. The tour will cover a 50 years life-span from...