Tickets purchase conditions

Madrid Original® and buying museum admission tickets

  • In some cases (depending sometimes on the museum or monument, and sometimes on the group dimension) hiring a private guided tour with Madrid Original® implies that Madrid Original® would have to buy the museum admission tickets on the Client’s behalf. In those cases, the Client commits himself to reimbursing the tickets price.
  • There where buying the tickets by the agency is not mandatory, Madrid Original® still provides that service if the Client demands it.

As of April 30th, 2023 these are the conditions in Madrid’s main museums:

Museo del Prado

  • For groups under 7 participants, individual price reductions and gratuities are admitted. Tickets can be acquired uo to 24h before.
  • For groups of 8 participants or more, no individual price reductions are admitted.
    • In that case, Madrid Original® would  buy all the tickets in advance via Internet, all at the same price (15 euros per unit) + Museum fee for groups (15€).
    • Reservations for groups are not possible: buying the tickets is mandatory. Afterwards, some minor changes are allowed (1 change of date, 1 change of hour, 1 change of participants, if possible).

How does the Prado Museum control that all the participants in a guided tour have bought their tickets as members of a guided group?

In order to be authorized to guide a group of more than 6 participants, the guide must present the tickets at the Ticket Box nr. 1, where he will receive a label that indicates how many participants he can guide and when he must end his guided tour. That way, the museum aides and custodians can check in every room if the guide is respecting the rules in terms of number of participants in his group and duration of the tour.

For more information, read the document: Condiciones generales de Acceso en Grupo al Museo Nacional del Prado. Read, in particular, the second paragraph of this document.

Museo Thyssen

  • Madrid Original® books with the Thyssen Museum a specific time slot for the guided tour, then buys the tickets 72 hours before the guided tour.
  • For groups under 7 participants, individual price reductions and free access are admitted. In that case, Madrid Original purchases the tickets in advante through Internet, with the price corresponding to each visitor’s category (13 euros for each normal tickets, 9 euros for each reduced ticket) and with the number of participants per category communicated to Madrid Original by the Client.
  • For groups of 7 participants or more, no individual price reductions are admitted, with the exception of the free entrance granted to any member of the association AMIGOS DEL MUSEO THYSSEN. Except for that case, any other ticket must be paid in advance through the Thyssen’s Intranet for guides at a price of 11 euros per ticket.

How does the Thyssen Museum control that all the participants in a guided tour have bought their tickets as members of a guided group?

In order to be authorized to guide a group of more than 6 participants, the guide must present the tickets at the Information Desk, where he will receive several labels: one for the guides where it is written when the tour should start and one for each group member that has a guided-group ticket. That way, the museum aides and custodians can check in every room if the guide is respecting the rules in terms of number of participants in his group and duration of the tour.

For more information, read the document: página de tarifas del Museo Thyssen. Read, in particular, the  paragraph entitled “Entrada en grupo”.

Museo Reina Sofía

  • Madrid Original® books with the Reina Sofía Museum a specific time slot for the guided tour, then buys the tickets 48 hours before the guided tour.
  • For groups of less thant 8 participants, reduced prices and gratuities are admitted.
  • For groups of 8 participants or more, no individual price reductions or gratuities are admitted. In that case, Madrid Original® would  buy the tickets as established by the museum: all at the same price (12 euros per unit).

How does the Reina Sofía Museum control that all the participants in a guided tour have bought their tickets as members of a guided group?

In order to be authorized to guide a group of more than 6 participants, the guide must present the tickets at the Information Desk, where he will receive several labels: one for each group member that has a guided-group ticket. That way, the museum aides and custodians can check in every room if the guide is respecting the rules in terms of number of participants. 

For more information, read the document : Condiciones generales del acceso en grupo from Read, in particular, the second paragraph of that document.

PAYMENT AND REFUNDING conditions for tickets bought on behalf of the client

  • The client commits himself to pay the price of the museum and monument admission tickets that Madrid Original® buys on client’s behalf.
  • When required, the clients will make an antipated payment for the amount of admission tickets.
  • If the client cancels the guided tour, the following policy will be applied:
    • If the client cancels the tour after the purchase of admission tickets,  Madrid Original will transfer to the client the amount corresponding to the cancelling policy of the museum or monument, minus the the bankwire fees. If the museum or monument does not admit the reimbursement of the price paid for the tickets, Madrid Original® won’t reimburse the Client either, and will send the Client the tickets bought on his behalf so that they are used as the Client wishes .
    • If the Client cancels the tour before the purchase of admission tickets,  and the Client has already paid the corresponding price, the Client will be reimbursed for 100% of the admission fees, minus bank wire costs.


Madrid Original - Visitas guiadas

Visitas guiadas y paseos guiados privados en Madrid y alrededores con licenciados en historia del arte.
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Aquí lo podéis ver entre los minutos 7 y 9:20.

¡Tenemos hambre de Monet!
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