The “Capricho” of Osuna: rococo and romantic garden

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CATEGORY | Parks and gardens in Madrid |

EXPERIENCE | Local Madrid |

IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN | Architecture | Gardens | History |


Capricho“, the Spanish word for caprice or capriccio, is often used in the artistic context to designate an eccentricity of any kind, but most particularly musical or architectural. In gardens, it may refer to a specific spot, such a fancy building or a strange vegetal arrangement, or sometimes, to the whole garden, as a collection of many odd elements, Between 1775 and 1840, the Countess of Benavente and the Duke of Osuna, with their immense fortune, created a garden that has become the purest exemple of the transition from rococo to romantic landscape..

Because of the garden’s layout and because of the architectural and sculptural follies that populate it, this park is one of the most important historical gardens in Spain,

If you wish a private guided tour to Madrid art galleries in this fill the form and we will contact you. We recommend one hour and a half.


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